Term Dates
Term Dates

Pastoral Support

Waddesdon is a caring community and students talk about belonging to the school family. There are twelve Sixth Form tutor groups, each comprised of members of Year 12 and 13.  Students meet their form tutor every morning for registration.  Their form tutor also aims to see them regularly, either individually or in small groups, for academic and pastoral mentoring.

The Heads of Year in Sixth Form stay with their designated year group for the two years students are with us, so get to know each individual student personally. The Sixth Form Student Support Officer is on hand to help with any queries during the day and offer support.  The Head of Sixth Form also offers pastoral support and is one of the school’s Additional Safeguarding Leads.

Should students need more support during their time in Sixth Form, we have a school first aid officer and two fully trained counsellors.

Assembly is a special daily tradition at Waddesdon and students either attend a whole school assembly or a year group assembly every day. Sixth Form students lead the whole school assembly every Friday, performing music and delivering a talk on a topical issue. Sixth Form students also provide pastoral support for younger students, for example, in their roles as Prefects, Peer Mediators or Active in Mind Mentors.