Term Dates
Term Dates
Living Out Our Values

Speaking Out Against Bullying

“The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.”

ANTI-BULLYING ALLIANCE: Definition of bullying

Learning to understand and manage conflict is an important part of growing up. Bullying is not simply a ‘falling out’. Research shows that experiencing bullying can have a significant impact on a young person’s life well into adulthood.

The Waddesdon Way
To ensure we work to prevent bullying, act quickly when it takes place and avoid misidentifying bullying at Waddesdon, we share with students this simplified definition of bullying,


Our student body provides support and guidance in a range of ways so students who encounter bullying can feel heard and supported:

  • 6th Form Mediators
  • Anti-bullying student focus group ‘Speak up- Speak out’
  • Work with the Anti-Bullying Alliance
  • Whole school assemblies (delivered by staff and students)

Students who have concerns about bullying can also email: safe@waddesdonschool.com

What is bullying: a short video from the Anti-Bullying Alliance